Judy Lundquist |
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Welcome to An Astrologer's Life The Solar Eclipse June 2021 - How will it affect your life? An upcoming solar eclipse will occur on June 10th, 2021 at 19 degrees Gemini. So what is a solar eclipse and why do we even care? A solar eclipse takes place during the phase of the new moon, when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, blocking out the sun's rays and casting a shadow on parts of the Earth. And why we care is that eclipses highlight the areas of our life that need to be looked at and often changed. The energies of the solar eclipse are often felt weeks prior to the eclipse date and up to 6 months following the eclipse. The sign and degree of the eclipse (19 degrees Gemini) in a hard aspect (conjunct, square or opposition) to your sun sign can trigger significant life events, particularly when your sign falls within 5 degrees on either side of the degree of the eclipse (i.e. Virgo 16 degrees). Sun signs most affected by the June solar eclipse are the mutable modalities: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Those born under one of these signs, particularly between 14 -24 degrees, will feel the most impact. For Gemini, the eclipse highlights your self image and personal goals. Perhaps you decide it is time to join the gym, or get on a juicing diet and lose those extra pounds. Maybe you use your witty nature to stand up to a co-worker who before you cowered to. You realize that all your Gemini "talking with you partner" is getting neither of you anywhere. So you take a different approach to get yourself centered and mentally healthier. As a Gemini, it's hard not to be involved in everything from managing the local bottle drive to brownie scouts to bake sale coordinator. But you are getting burnt out! Have you lost your sense of identity? You realize you need to cut back on the social activities and take some time for you. Now is the time to put you first and be a bit "selfish". And it feels pretty good. For Virgos, the eclipse highlights your career and work environment. Are you finally being recognized for all the unacknowledged work you have done for your boss? The lunches you skipped while your co workers were out having their cobb salad and Reuben sandwiches at your favorite deli. This can be a time of career recognition or a time when you put your foot down and demand acknowledgement for all you have contributed to the company. Or maybe you have a light bulb moment and realize your Virgo talents may be better appreciated elsewhere. Opportunity may come knocking and you finally get a call on that job you have been wanting. And they want you! Our Sagittarius friends will feel the eclipse in the area of relationships. This includes business partnerships, spouses and personal relationships. Do you feel you are pulling more of the weight in a business partnership? This can be the time to reassess your business and brainstorm with your partner ways to make the company run better. Perhaps you and your partner are figuring out how to rebound from the year long shut downs and make the business viable again. How is your marriage or personal relationship? Are you concerned your partner is being secretive about all the time she/he is spending on social media? Is it innocent or something more? Now is the time to address any concerns and clear the air. Things that have gone on that have been brushed under the table now surprisingly come to light to be dealt with. This can be uncomfortable initially but a sign of relief later! Pisces will feel the effects of the solar eclipse in their home and family sector. Are the family dynamics driving you nuts? Being cooped up for the past year has taken its toll on your nerves and mental state. You want change! Your emotions are frazzled and you need some emotional healing. This can be an introspective time, a time for solitude and self reflection. Taking long walks in the park can help re balance your emotions. It is important to have a serene place to come home to. Relax in a hot Epson salt bath, put on your head phones and tune in to mediation music. You need balance and harmony in your home now and you will find the way to do that. It may mean re decorating the bedroom or getting those repairs done. Or you may just decide you want to find a new place to live. The eclipse for Aries targets education and communication. You can be the teacher or student during this time. Your mind is active and restless, enrolling in adult education classes to feed your thirst for learning. Now is the time to educate others with your innovative ideas. Your physically energetic self has developed some new work out videos and you are ready to get them out on utube, or tic toc. Your main focus is to educate others on physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. But the plus side is the money starts rolling in. Next thing you know you are teaching classes through zoom! The eclipse for Taurus highlights your personal resources and taking measures to ensure your financial security. This is also about reassessing your life and what you value. Is it just acquiring assets or are you ready to look beyond? What is your value system? Is it money, children, spouse, community, service, your faith? How do you want to be remembered when you are gone? The eclipse for Cancer focuses on spiritual and emotional healing. It's about more than just the 9-5 paycheck. You want to be of service, doing something for others, volunteering your time to a cause you feel passionate about: dog rescue, homeless shelter, volunteering with food drives, being a companion to the elderly. What feeds your soul now? The eclipse for Leo highlights goals and social groups. This is the time to start that u tube channel and show off your musical or cooking talents. Or realize that there are people who really will sign up for your "how to do magic" classes. This is the time to make your creative talents known! For Libra, the eclipse targets writing, travel, and spiritual exploration. This eclipse can re inspire you to get back to writing or booking that trip to India to learn advanced yogi techniques. You may find yourself back in higher education wanting to get that degree in English or liberal arts. Or applying for a master degree in counseling to lead therapy groups, something you have wanted to do for the last decade. But put on hold. The eclipse in Scorpio highlights sex, intimacy and resources. Are the hours you spend on porn sights doing anything of value for you? Is it time to recognize that you have a sexual addiction? And finally do something about it? This eclipse will stare you in the face and bring about a stark reality to whatever lifestyle you are living. It's also time to get off u tube, look at your investments and give your financial investor a call. Make sure your money is where should be at this time. The eclipse for Capricorn spotlights your work and health. Is that annoying co worker who constantly taps her fingernails on her desk driving you nuts? Do you want to pull out her fingernails? Now might be the time to address those annoying coworkers in a healthy and non threatening way. Win their heart by bringing in donuts, or treating them to lunch... Kill them with kindness. How is your health? This is the time to schedule that yearly check up. Something we all are great at putting off. The eclipse for Aquarius focuses on lovers, children, and creative self expression. This eclipse could spark the beginning of a new love relationship. You no longer hold back your aloof nature and verbally express your heart felt feelings to your love interest. Your naturally inventive mind is at an all time high. Use this time to feed your creativeness. In time your ideas could be very marketable. Children are highlighted... either working with them or it hits you that you who never ever thought would want a child is actually open to it. Well, who would have thought! Do you have questions regarding career, children, relationship, finances or other important life situations? What is causing roadblocks in your life? What life challenges or opportunities lie ahead for you? Judy has been a professional astrologer helping clients for over 30 years. To book a consultation please email her at JudyL@an-astrologers-life.com. Judy Lundquist © - All Rights Reserved |
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